Multifunctional forecasting service utilizing inter-company networks

Through inter-company network analysis, J-Foresight forecasts growth trends of companies. This application can be used for marketing and risk analysis at financial institutions and corporations.


  • General


  • General


  • AI
  • DX

Issues that JSOL can help you solve


  • When we are conducting M&A and looking for new business companies, we want to find companies that are growing.

  • In our loaning business, we want to understand the business conditions of new customers

  • In order to prevent fraud such as circular transactions, we want to uncover companies whose business conditions are deteriorating.

JSOL Values

  • Through our accurate predictions of the growth and deterioration of companies, we support customers' loan and rating operations.

  • This service implements the results of our collaboration with universities, research institutes, and companies on economic ripple effects and the effects inter-company networks have on individual companies.

Service Description

We use corporate credit information from credit rating agencies, to forecast corporate performance, detect fraud, analysis transaction community, and monitor everything through a dashboard .
On this dashboard you can also view growth trends, trading partner evaluation indicators (trading relationships with financial institutions, changes in the size of trading partners), and visualize transaction networks.

J-Foresight™ screen image

Service provision scheme

Service provision scheme

For inquiries related to this solution

Digital Innovation Business Unit
