JSOL is committed to make contributions to realize a “happy and enriched future”
by using ICT to create value.

President and CEO Kenji Nagai

Business environments are forced to change rapidly and uncertainty is increasing because of the progressing economic globalization and the changes in international affairs. Additionally, in this world that is becoming increasingly borderless and complicated, there are environmental issues including global warming, aging populations with declining birthrates, educational disparity, and other social issues.

In JSOL's business domain of ICT, the fast-paced development of technologies such as AI, IoT, big data and digital transformation are making headlines every day. The effects of these technologies on our society are getting increasingly larger with the advent of big platformers and digital disruptors.

In this age of the fourth industrial revolution, ICT is anticipated to bring about and accelerate such changes worldwide. Meanwhile, ICT should also be used to organize, integrate, and propose future solutions for the complexities and uncertainties of the world so that we may contribute to solving social issues.

In its management policy (mission), JSOL declares its commitment to contribute to the creation of a happy and enriched future through the pursuit of ICT technologies.
We see it as our mission to focus on issues facing our customers and provide services to solve those issues, and through this process we aim to create new social values and contribute to the realization of sustainability.

A vital aspect in achieving this mission is to create a comfortable workplace environment that encourages diversity and autonomy, and where each and every employee feels valued and motivated to work,

JSOL engages in activities to achieve sustainability with a focus placed on the themes of “society and local community,” “working people,” and “the global environment,” and strives to build solid relationships with all stakeholders including, customers, employees, and local communities.

It is said that sustainability cannot be achieved as an extension of the current state of business and that continuous innovation is essential for sustainable development.
With our sights set on the future, we will use ICT to promote innovation by leveraging our creativity to come up with unprecedented solutions, and co-create values in collaboration with society. Through our efforts to solve social issues through our business operations, we aim to contribute to the development of a sustainable society while ensuring the sustainable growth of our company.

President and CEO
Kenji Nagai